Workout - Mobile App

Subject: Completing A Workout In The Mobile App

Starting A Workout

After selecting an available or in progress workout from the schedule view, you will be greeted with the workout screen. This screen gives you a high-level overview of what the workout will entail, displaying the exercises that are included within the workout organized by sections as created by your trainer. You will see the number of sets required for each section, as well as the number of reps, the tempo, and the rest period required for each exercise. If your trainer has provided a video link to an exercise, you can click on the exercise thumbnail to open the video for that exercise. When you are ready to begin the workout, click the "BEGIN WORKOUT" button at the bottom of the screen. Once you begin, the mobile app will walk you through the workout step by step.

Workout view

Image: Workout View

Exercise video

Image: Exercise Video View

Survey Questions

Your trainer has the option to assign survey questions to the beginning and end of your workout. If a survey question has been assigned to the beginning of this workout, you will be greeted with the question after clicking the begin workout button. Respond to the question and click “Submit” to continue. Survey questions are another way for your trainer to track your overall progress.

Survey question

Image: Survey Questions

Exercise Page

The exercise page gives you details about the current exercise of the workout. This page will display the section, set number, reps, and tempo as set by your trainer for an exercise. If your trainer has provided a video link for the exercise, you can click the thumbnail to view the video. Similarly, if your trainer has created a description for the exercise, it will be displayed below the video thumbnail. If you’ve previously completed this exercise, the weight and number of reps that were entered the last time the exercise was completed will be displayed next to the input labels at the bottom of the screen. When you are done with the exercise, enter your weight and reps (if the exercise requires them), and click “DONE”. The app will save your input and move on to the Rest screen.

Exercise page

Image: Exercise Page

Rest Countdown

Your trainer will specify a rest period between exercises. The rest view will display a countdown timer at the bottom of the screen, and will give you information about the next exercise to allow you to prepare for it while you rest. This information will include the expected reps and tempo for the exercise. If you’ve previously completed the exercise, the weight and reps that you entered the last time the exercise was completed will also be displayed. If your trainer has provided a video link, you can click on the thumbnail to view a video of the exercise while you rest. The exercises description, if provided by the trainer, will be displayed below the video thumbnail. If you prefer to skip the rest period, click the “SKIP REST” button at the bottom of the screen. Otherwise, the exercise page for the next exercise will automatically pop up as soon as the timer reaches 0.

Rest countdown page

Image: Rest Countdown Page

Menu Options

During a workout, the menu options can be accessed by clicking the three dots on the top right corner of the screen. Through the menu you can access an overview of the current workout or exit out of the workout altogether. The overview shows you all entered data for every set of every exercise that you have completed thus far. In addition, the overview highlights the current set of the current exercise in red, giving you a quick glance of where you are within the current workout.

Workout menu

Image: Workout Menu

Workout overview

Image: Workout Overview Page

End Of Workout Survey Questions

If your trainer has assigned any survey questions to the end of your workout, they will appear after the last exercise has been completed. Once again, respond to the question and click “Submit” to continue.

Workout Complete

Congratulations! You have completed your workout. Clicking on the “CLOSE” button will return you to the schedule page where the workout that was just completed will now be highlighted in gray with a white checkmark next to it. Clicking on the completed workout will now give you an overview that includes all of the data that you entered during the workout.

Workout complete

Image: Workout Complete

Schedule task completed

Image: Scheduled Workout - Complete

Completed workout overview

Image: Completed Workout Overview