Charts - Mobile App

Subject: Viewing Progress Charts In The Mobile App

You can easily view your progress by accessing charts from the main menu. There are three different chart types that you will have access to depending on the workouts you have completed, and what your trainer has assigned to you. These chart types include surveys, exercises, and strength balance.

Charts Menu Option

Image: Charts Menu


Your trainer has the ability to assign survey questions at the beginning and end of your workouts. With survey charts, you can easily visualize how your responses to those survey questions over time.

Survey Charts

Image: Survey Charts


As you complete workouts, you’ll have access to charts that depict how your individual exercises are progressing over time. Each data point is an estimated one rep max based on your last set for a given exercise in a workout.

Exercise Charts

Image: Exercise Charts

Strength Balance

Your trainer has the option to create strength balance reports that detail how you should be performing in specific exercises based on your performance in a primary exercise. For example, your trainer might create a report that has a barbell bench press as the primary exercise. In this example, they’ve added several other exercises with a target performance based on the estimated one rep max of that primary exercise. For this example, strength balance group, the estimated one rep max target for the pulldown exercise should be 50% of the bench press, the seated cable row should be 50% of the bench press, and the seated dumbbell press should be 72% of the bench press. If your one rep max for the bench press is 100 pounds, then the target for the pulldown is 50 pounds, the seated cable row is 50 pounds, and the seated dumbbell press is 72 pounds. If your actual performance for one of these exercises is off of the target by 15% to 30%, the exercise will be highlighted in gray, and if it is off by more than 30% it will be highlighted in red. This gives you and your trainer an extremely quick way to determine where your performance is falling out of balance, allowing you trainer to adjust your workout program accordingly.

Strength Balance Report

Image: Strength Balance Charts


  1. Why don’t I have any available survey charts? To access survey charts, your trainer has to assign survey questions to your workout. Once you’ve completed at least one survey question, you’ll have access to survey charts.
  2. Why don’t I have any available exercise charts? Exercise charts are not available until you have entered data for at least one exercise,
  3. I’ve completed several workouts, but I don’t see any strength balance reports. Strength balance reports must be created by your trainer. Once your trainer has created a strength balance report, you need to enter data for the primary exercise at least once before this report becomes available.
  4. How is the estimated one rep max calculated? The estimated one rep max calculation is based on the data entered for the last set of an exercise in a given workout. The estimated one rep max is calculated from the number of reps and amount of weight that you entered for that last set.