Completed Workouts - Mobile App

Subject: Accessing Past Completed Workouts In The Mobile App

You can always access the data you entered in all of your completed workouts by clicking on the “Completed Workouts” option from the main menu. Even if the completed workout is no longer accessible from the main Schedule, it will always be available on the Completed Workouts page.

Completed Workouts Menu Option

Image: Completed Workouts Menu

Completed Workouts Page

The completed workouts page lists all of your completed workouts by date. Clicking on a completed workout will display an overview of that workout including all data you entered.

Completed Workouts Page

Image: Completed Workouts Page

Completed Workout Overview

Image: Completed Workout Overview


  1. Why isn’t my workout showing up on the completed workout page? You must completely finish a workout before it will show up on the completed workout page. A workout that has not been started or is in progress will not show up on the completed workout page.
  2. I forgot to finish my workout, and it’s no longer on the schedule. How do I mark it as complete so I can view it on the completed workouts page? If your workout is no longer on the mobile app schedule, you can still mark it as complete in one of two ways. First, you can log in to your account via a web browser and enter the necessary data to mark it as complete. You can also contact your trainer who can then mark it as complete for you.