Profile - Mobile App

Subject: Updating Your Profile In The Mobile App

Your profile can be updated by accessing the “Profile” page from the main menu.

Profile Menu Option

Image: Profile Menu Option

Profile Page

From the profile page you can change your first and last name, email address, and system of measurement.

Profile Page

Image: Profile Page

Email Address Verification

Changing your email address does not take effect until you have verified the updated address. After changing your email address, a verification code will be sent to the new email address. Enter that verification code to finalize the email address change. You can log in using the new email address once it has been verified.

Email Verification

Image: Email Verification


  1. I accidentally closed the verification page before entering the verification code. You can still verify your email address by opening the profile page, and clicking the “Verify Email” link. A new verification code will be sent to your email address.
  2. I never received my verification code. It may take a few minutes to receive your verification code. If you still haven’t received it after two minutes, be sure to check the spam folder of the email address that the code was sent to. As a last resort, close the email verification page, click on “Profile” from the main menu, and click on the “Verify Email” link to have the system send a new verification code to your email address.